Hello, my name is Arya. I am the person behind all the products at Hoslygoods, from design to the final product. Hoslygoods is a brand that I founded in 2016. We focus on handmade and hand-stitched leather products. Personally, I have a great passion for compact and minimalist leather goods, as you can see from the articles and products I have created.

I have decided to use leather as the primary material for our products because leather is a highly unique material. Leather has the ability to evolve and adapting to the habits of its user, making each product unique and more personal.

As the maker of these leather goods, I find it crucial to ensure that the suppliers and vendors I choose genuinely support fair trade and care for the environment. This means no child labor or slavery is involved in the tanning of the leather or the manufacturing of the products I use. I don’t believe that things that harm people and the environment can be sustainable business practices. Although the prices might be a bit higher, we can sleep peacefully knowing that everything is made responsibly in Indonesia.

Thank you very much for visiting our small shop. We hope you enjoy these products, and may they last you a lifetime.

-Arya Martin-

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